Women can absolutely wear a bikini on beaches in Dubai? Dubai, and UAE in general, is very open and tolerant to its visitors. But of course, there are limits to this tolerance.
A woman can wear bikinis, but revealing clothes are definitely restricted. Some places put banners up requesting moderation.
So what will happen if a woman wears a bikini that is too revealing? Well, most likely, she will get a stern warning. That's about it. She might actually be safer wearing bikini in Dubai than in many places - the safety of women is quite well established in Dubai.
Some individuals can get offended by bikinis, but eccentrics and overly conservative folks exist all around the world. In an official capacity, UAE has demonstrated an impressive level of tolerance.
Of course, this doesn't mean that the government would tolerate any type of clothes. Case in point - if a guy were to wear his girlfriend's bikini, there's a good chance he would end up in trouble - cross-dressing is where they draw the line.
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