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Things you need to know about Sunscreen. Not all are the same and in fact some are harmful

It is clear that too much exposure of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation leads to sunburns, rapidly aging skin, and potentially, skin cancer. An estimated 20 percent of Americans will develop skin cancer during their lifetimes, making it the most common form of cancer in the country. To lower their risk, many Americans turn to sunscreens—sprays, lotions, and even powders—to protect their skin from the worst of the sun's effects. But what do scientists have to say about sunscreen? 

Not all sunscreens are created equal and in many cases sunscreen is harmful, not helpful.

Here’s why: There are two ways that a sunscreen can protect the skin from sun damage: with a mineral barrier or a chemical one.

Mineral sunscreens typically include ingredients like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, which create a physical barrier to protect the skin from the sun.

New research by the EWG reveals that the chemicals commonly used in sunscreen are endocrine disruptors, estrogenic and may interfere with thyroid and other hormone processes in the body.

The most common sunscreen chemical, Oxybenzone, was found in 96% of the population by a recent study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. This is especially alarming since oxybenzone is considered an endocrine disruptor, can reduce sperm count in men and may contribute to endometriosis in women.

The EWG warns against using oxybenzone, especially on children or pregnant/breastfeeding women.

Of the 1,400+ sunscreens tested by the EWG, only 5% met their safety standards and over 40% were listed as potentially contributing to skin cancer.

Mineral sunscreens are typically considered a safer option, but with a few caveats…

Some mineral sunscreens also contain some of the chemical ingredients above and have the same risks.

Additionally, if nano particles of zinc oxide or titanium oxide are used, these can enter the body and carry risks as well. Since these offer physical barriers, it is also more difficult to accurately pinpoint the SPF of some mineral sunscreens.

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Festival Open Back Tankini

 Festival ready! Open Back Tankini in Neon Orange is designed for those who love the feel of a bikini and want just a little more coverage in front. Ties at neck and back for adjustable fit. The added drape of lace covers you under the bust to your hip with a figure shaping curved hem. Plunging neck line looks great on...

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