That's right, the Bikini Radar Run for Breast Cancer ("Freezin' for a Reason") is coming to Detroit Lakes. Perhaps a half-dozen women will brave the cold to participate Saturday, Feb. 16 near the West Lake Drive public access on Little Detroit Lake.
Organizer Jolene Beiswenger said she is teaming up with the Ultra Snowmobile Club to hold the Bikini Radar Run.
It's a first for Detroit Lakes, but it will be her sixth year holding the event in the region. "We have raised over $11,000 for breast cancer charities," she said. The money goes directly to breast cancer patients.
Before the event, women raise money in pledges, with a minimum of $50 total for each rider, to race snowmobiles in their bikinis, as well as snowmobile gloves, boots and helmets for safety reasons.
The runs are usually 1,000 feet long, with speed radar taken at the end, and riders can choose between a traction ride on snow or a non-traction ride on the bare ice.
Riders can go pretty fast, Beiswenger said. "Some of these girls are pretty daredevil," she said. One woman hit 90 mph.
The group gives prizes, usually donated by local businesses or individuals, for fastest woman racer and most money raised individually.
Beiswenger said she got the idea at snowmobile racing events in Wisconsin that had bikini radar runs.
"They were doing it for the same cause," she said. "I have family members who've been through it (breast cancer) so it's for a good cause."
She participates herself every year."The last couple years we've been lucky, it's been above zero," she said. "Three years ago, it was 10 below — that was cold. But as long as our radar run is on, this is going to happen," she said.
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