When was the last time you shopped for a bikini? How long did it take you? For most women with small or average chests, it is a breeze. Painless, enjoyable shopping with tons of options for the next summer trip. But if you’re a busty woman, what should be easy can become a struggle. We understand how frustrating it can be to shop for hours without finding a bikini that actually fits and flatters your curves.
That’s why we put together this list of the best supportive swimwear for all women with big busts. Here are a few tips to help you determine what to look for when you’re shopping for bikini tops and bottoms.
One thing small-chested women don’t have to worry so much about is how well their swimsuits support their boobs. If your ladies are D-cup or bigger, getting supportive swimwear is of the utmost importance. Usually, an underwire does the trick, but you can also opt for halter tops or thick straps that give a natural lift.
The best swimwear should make you feel both comfortable and confident. Make sure that you get a snug fit that you can still move around in. Besides, a comfortable bikini will make you feel much more fabulous when you hit the beach.
Many women get their bra sizes wrong, partly because they don’t realize just how important the right size is. Ill-fitting bikini tops are uncomfortable, promote bad posture, and cause a wide variety of health problems. Plus, you won’t look your best unless you get the right fit!
No matter what your body type is, you can rock a two-piece swimsuit. It’s much easier to find a bikini that perfectly fits both your breasts and your backside. If you want to be a little more classy and modest, there are tons of gorgeous one-piece swimsuits out there as well.
Bandeaus are pretty, but they also don’t stay put especially with above-average boobs. Straps help everything stay where they should be, which is a priority when you're having fun on the beach or by the pool. A bikini with straps is your safest choice to prevent back pain, saggy breasts, and embarrassing wardrobe malfunctions.
No matter what style you pick, the most important thing is that you feel beautiful!
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