Adele, 43, was diagnosed with bowel cancer in October 2021 and revealed that she is now cancer-free after having the tumour surgically removed earlier this year.
The surgery has left the DJ with a stoma and colostomy bag, which she has affectionately named Audrey.
And Adele Roberts is clearly unafraid to show Audrey off as she shares bikini snaps from her sunny getaway.
Posting a picture, Adele writes: “Audrey’s first trip abroad and she’s absolutely loving it.”
Continuing, she jokes that Audrey even has her own passport, before adding: “We made it. This holiday has been booked and cancelled soooooo many times… COVID, chemo, surgery, anaemia… we even got delayed yesterday and it took us 14 hours to get here! I thought it was never going to happen haha. BUT WE DID IT! Shame it’s only for 4 days and the weather is going to be sh*t LOL. I don’t care. Whacking out the bikinis anyway."
Adele is currently on holiday with girlfriend Kate Holderness, who she has previously revealed she hopes to marry.
Speaking in an interview, Adele said of her girlfriend, who had also been her carer during treatment: “We've just got stronger and closer, and it's made me realise what an incredible human she is. She's been my strength, and without her, I don't think I'd be this upbeat. I think it would have really got to me mentally… but every morning I see Kate, I just feel blessed to wake up to her every single day.”
Speaking of Kate's role as her carer, Adele continued: “She's gone above and beyond what a relationship should be, and she's been everything to me. She's helped me dress my stoma. She's cared for me. She's been, my nurse. She's been, my mentor. She really loves me. I'm going to have to marry her.”
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