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Clementine McVeigh hared some stunning new photos on Instagram posed by the pool

Clementine McVeigh is an extremely successful model. She just shared some stunning new photos on Instagram. In them, she posed by the pool. McVeigh wore a turquoise bathing suit, looking stunning, and showing off her figure. She captioned the post, "Soaking it up in Cin Cin."

McVeigh has amazing skin, and she revealed her secrets to Beauticate. She says that she keeps it simple and sticks to basic tips. 'It's important to make sure you're covering the basics, like drinking lots of water and using sunblock. I haven't had a full on beauty routine for a long time because being in this industry I get given a lot and love to try a lot. It's hard to be consistent, and I think your skin can get too used to the same products and needs a change."

One of McVeigh's biggest skincare tips is cleansing her face. She says to Beauticate, "One thing I do swear by, though, is cleansing and moisturising. I never go to bed with makeup on. It's so important to wash your face! I really like Dermalogica Special Cleaning Gel."

McVeigh tells Beauticate that she loves foundation. She says that it helps protect her skin. "I always wear Chanel foundation, either Sublimage or Vitalumière. I think wearing a layer on your face every day helps provide a bit of protection from the elements (in addition to sunblock, of course!) And obviously I think it makes me look better. I just use fingertips to apply. I always have and will continue to, despite what the makeup artists recommend. I feel like brushes and sponges hold onto bacteria, plus I can't be bothered."

McVeigh tells The Grace Tales that she loves every job she does. She says that she will only take jobs that make her happy. "I think it's very important to love what you do, as you take your energy home with you at the end of day. Now that I'm a mother I know what kind of work will stress me out or make me happy. My agency are absolutely incredible, they totally get it and never push jobs. I'm not into."

McVeigh has had an amazing life, and she is thankful for it. When asked what advice she would give others by The Grace Tales, McVeigh says that it would be grateful. "I have done everything I wanted to do and have traveled the world," she says. "So my only advice would be enjoy everyday and be grateful for everything."

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