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Floppy Tesouro Says "Summer Never Leave"

Florencia "Floppy" Tesouro is missing the sunshine of summer, based on her social media posts. The singer posted a photo of herself wearing a bright pink patterned bathing suit from her own capsule line, with the caption "Summer, don't ever leave la ? I'm starting my favorite season of the year, which is yours?"

Tesouro incorporates plenty of resistance training into her diet. "Aerobic exercise and resistance training are the most important for heart health," says Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D. "Although flexibility doesn't contribute directly to heart health, it's nevertheless important because it provides a good foundation for performing aerobic and strength exercises more effectively."

Tesouro enjoys delicious grilled fish when she is resetting her diet and getting back into healthy habits. "If you're worried about your heart health, eating at least two servings of fish a week could reduce the risk of heart disease," says the Mayo Clinic. "For many years, the American Heart Association has recommended that people eat fish rich in unsaturated fats at least twice a week. The unsaturated fats in fish are called omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients in fish may benefit heart health and reduce the risk of dying of heart disease."

Tesouro loves Pilates on a reformer. "Pilates is a type of strength training exercise that encourages you to identify and work within the limits of your body," says Leanne Wonesh, an athletic trainer at Houston Methodist. "There's also an inherent mindfulness to it and a lot of breath work, which can help relieve tension and stress. Pilates builds muscle, and this is important since building muscle increases your body's basal metabolic rate — which is how many calories your body burns while at rest."

Tesouro loves horseback riding whenever she gets a chance. "Riding a horse for 45 minutes at a walk, trot and canter can burn up to 200 calories," says Dr. Dennis Sigler, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service horse specialist and professor in the department of animal science at Texas A&M University in College Station. "If you do something a bit more strenuous such as cutting or reining, that can come out to nearly seven calories per minute for the entire length of the riding period."

Tesouro says her stationary bike and treadmill means there is "no excuse" not to train. "Individuals can burn around 600 to 800 calories in an hour with a treadmill versus about 400 to 500 calories in an hour on a bike," says Jessica Mazzucco, a New York City-area certified fitness trainer and founder of The Glute Recruit. "But that's with the big caveat that calorie burn rates vary greatly depending on your age, genetics, weight, gender and other factors."

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