Kate Beckinsale is an actress, best known for her role in the popular Underworld film series. She just shared a stunning new set of photos on Instagram. In it, Beckinsale enjoyed time at the beach. She wore a brown bikini, sunhat, and a white cover-up. Beckinsale's amazing figure was on display. She captioned the post, "Say hello to falsetto, in three, two, one, swag."
Beckinsale isn't afraid to stand up for herself. When she felt that her comments in an interview were misconstrued, she hit back. Beckinsale explained herself in this Instagram post. "I was asked multiple times in a recent interview if knew my IQ. I didn't answer the question the first few times, but I did tell the truth that my mum had had me tested when I was young,and that it was high. I didn't remember the number,and after being pressed several times to call my mother and ask her, I did. Here's the dilemma: Tell the truth? Refuse to answer the question? Lie? Pretend it was lower? I told the truth and some journalists have been triggered by this. Are we really jumping on women for answering a question truthfully about their intelligence or education? Are we really still requiring women to dumb themselves down in order not to offend?"
Beckinsale has amazing skin. She revealed some of her secrets to People. Beckinsale says that protecting her skin from the sun is one of her main tips. "I think obviously some of it is a genetic thing, although you can mess that up. I didn't see sun for the first several decades of my life, and that's probably been a big help. A great deal of it was geography [growing up in England], but the otwas on the very rare occasions when we would go on a family vacation somewhere hot, I was paranoid that I would get freckles in a mustache formation on my face. So I was wearing Factor 70 [SPF]. I just didn't want a mustache, that's really why I used sunscreen."
Beckinsale has a busy schedule, but she always makes time to relax. "I literally cannot transition from day to night unless I have submerged myself in water," she says to People. "Which is really annoying because I could get a hotel room and it'll have cockroaches and go, 'Okay, fine,' But if [the room] doesn't have a bathtub, I'll be like, 'Sorry, can I move?' I really need to have that every day, no matter what. Even when it's Oscar night and you're getting home at seven in the morning once you've been to 15 parties. I still have to go through the whole bath thing."
Beckinsale opened up about her fitness secrets to Shape Magazine. She admits that she doesn't always want to workout. However, she pushes herself to get through it. "I start out absolutely dreading it, do an incredibly punishing workout, bitch about it the whole time, and end up feeling 100 percent better when I leave," she says. "Working out is basically nature's antidepressant."
Beckinsale works out with personal trainer, Gunnar Peterson, to help her stay in shape. She talked about their sessions to Shape Magazine. "I work out hard with Gunnar five or six times a week," she says. "We have loads in common, like our kids. During our sessions we have long talks about teenagers, and then suddenly one day I find that my ass is in a lot better shape than I thought it was!"
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This skimpy bikini in Tangerine Neon (orange) Matte is a classic! It has just the right amount of coverage to show off your body without showing too much! Basic triangle top (ties at neck and back) and itsy bitsy bottoms (ties on both sides of hip) are the perfect combination that tie everywhere for the perfect fit! Great for the sun lounger or...
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