The mood of the photo is also quite romantic. Some fans also compared Anna to a popular Game of Thrones character, one who also has ice-blond hair.
The geotag on the photo reveals that Anna was in Cephalonia when it was taken. Cephalonia is a Greek island in the Ionian Sea, and is renowned for its beaches.
According to the bio on her website, Anna was forged out of a very difficult situation in her life. After she developed an illness that encouraged her to pursue a healthy lifestyle, Anna started going to the gym. She began working on the body that has made her famous.
“I got stronger and stronger every day and I loved it,” she wrote. “I started sharing my fitness journey on Instagram and always made sure to update every day. It was so fun to be able to use my creative side, share my passion for fitness and also inspire people along the way.”
Now, years later, Anna is a licensed personal trainer and a well-paid social media influencer.
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