Halsey is taking a mirror selfie in her swimsuit. In one of her latest social media posts the singer and mom shows off her slender figure in a black bathing suit while posing in front of the mirror. "July things. august, be sweet," she captioned the post with her millions of followers.
If you want flat abs a la Halsey, you will have to work for it. One the singer's most defining physical assets are those washboard abs. In an interview with SiriusXM Halsey revealed that "a lot of sit-ups" were responsible for her amazing midsection.
Halsey stays active outdoors. Two of her favorite calorie-blasting activities are Hiking and rocking climbing. Apparently, she even goes rock climbing naked. She captioned this Instagram post, "don't go rock climbing naked. or do. do you." "Hiking is one of the best ways to get exercise. No matter what type of trail you find yourself on, hiking is a great whole-body workout—from head to toe and everything in between," says the National Parks Service.
Some of the physical benefits include building stronger muscles and bones, improving your sense of balance, improving your heart health, and decreasing the risk of certain respiratory problems. It also offers many mental health benefits, according to a Stanford University study.
Halsey makes sure to indulge in self-care. She recently took a break and chilled out during a spa vacation. "lightning fast post tour re-charge before the rocket that is @af94_ takes off!" she captioned a post filled with pictures of herself getting face masks and relaxing.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are several benefits of drinking coffee in moderation. "It acts on your brain to improve memory, mood, reaction times, and mental function," they say, citing a study finding that caffeine can improve endurance and performance during exercise. It is also antioxidant-rich, can ward off diabetes, prevent neurologic disease, lower cancer risk, and ward off depression, they point out.
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