The former Sports Illustrated model re-appeared in the magazine’s famous Swimsuit Edition just two years ago alongside Joel, 33, and Cook, 20.
“My first thought was, ‘At my age? No way!’” she told PEOPLE exclusively at the time. “When I turned 30, I was like, ‘This is the last time I’m posing in a bathing suit!’ When this issue comes out, I’ll be 63. I thought, ‘Those days are over.’ But to get to do it with my girls, I thought, ‘One last go!’”
According to The Cut, the star is big on health and wellness and clearly, its paid off. So, what are her secrets? Brinkley’s morning routine includes hot water with lemon and a bit of cayenne, followed by a workout usually on the infomercial workout machine she’s promoted for several years.
“Everyone always asks if I use the Total Gym and yes, I really do,” Brinkley told the outlet. “But I also might go to a spin class or work with weights. I would say running is my favorite way to sweat, but I’m not really supposed to do that anymore because of injuries.”
The Chicago on Broadway cast member has tried several different nutrition plans over the years (she’s been macrobiotic and lacto-ovo) but currently sticks to a vegan diet. Regardless, she told The Cut, “The one constant since the day I stopped eating meat was that I haven’t eaten any red meat or fowl.”
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