Emma Roberts is promoting her book club in her bathing suit. In a new social media post the We're the Millers star and Julia Roberts' niece shows off her amazing body in a gingham bathing suit, while introducing Pages in Paradise, "a program in partnership with @AppleVacations and @penguinrandomhouse to make finding your perfect beach read and your next getaway easy," she captioned the post. "Ummm I volunteer as tribute," commented one of her followers. "So cute," added another.
Emma starts every morning with self-care. "It's so important to set yourself up for the day," she told Harper's Bazaar in 2021. "I cannot wake up without having my coffee and my me-time."
Emma makes sure to get enough rest. "I'm very easy on myself with diet and exercise. I want to be healthy, and I want to do a good job, but I never put pressure on myself because there are so many more important things, like sleep," she told the Zoe Report. "To me, sleeping is more important than working out." According to the Sleep Foundation, getting enough z's is a mood booster, promotes heart health, regulates blood sugar, improves mental function, restores your immune system, helps relieve stress, and aids in weight loss.
Emma makes sure to get enough exercise. She works out with a trainer, Andrea Orbeck, three times a week. "Our sessions are an hour, focusing mostly on arms, abs, and ass-the all-important three A's," she told Shape. "I started working out regularly when I was living in New Orleans shooting American Horror Story: Coven several years ago. I really fell in love with the food there. To counter all I was eating, I worked out more. It was a great balance: I'd have fried-chicken sliders at night and then go to my yoga class the next morning."
Emma has another workout she loves. "I also do yoga. I usually take classes with a friend," she says. There is a laundry list of reasons to do yoga, explains Harvard Health. "Researchers found that people who practiced yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for at least four years, gained less weight during middle adulthood," they said. "People who were overweight actually lost weight. Overall, those who practiced yoga had lower body mass indexes (BMIs) compared with those who did not practice yoga. Researchers attributed this to mindfulness. Mindful eating can lead to a more positive relationship with food and eating."
"With my diet, I do what feels good for me at the time," Emma told Shape about her eating. "I try not to say that I won't eat something. Instead, I stay in tune with my body and my mind, and I think, What do I feel like eating?"
"I love Pilates. I feel very energized and centered when I walk out the door afterward.I tried to get into running, but it didn't work for me. Pilates is something you take your time at, and it makes me feel very clear," she continued. Emma works out with Nonna Gleyzer at Body by Nonna. "I can see my shape transform within a couple of sessions," she maintains. "That's good because I'm that person who, after one class, lifts up her shirt and says, 'Where are my abs?' I want results!"
Emma starts the day with a juice, Moon Juice Spirit Dust, which is "a fun way" to begin the morning, she says. "I also drink iced coffee even when it's freezing outside because hot coffee doesn't wake me up." On her days off, she might cook up eggs and bacon and toast for breakfast. "I adore classic breakfast foods," she says. "For lunch, I'll do a chopped salad with avocado, chicken, and tomatoes. Dinner is a turkey burger, or salmon with teriyaki or ponzu sauce, and brown rice with broccoli. I need snacks, particularly when I'm working. Lately I've become obsessed with seaweed. And chips and guacamole make me so happy! I also love cupcakes, ice cream, and Sidecar Doughnuts. Sometimes I bring sweets for everyone at work as an excuse to eat them."
As demonstrated by her latest Instagram post, Emma is a bookworm. "Reading is my form of self-care and meditation," she maintains. "I set aside at least 20 minutes a day for it. Sometimes that turns into 30 minutes, an hour, two hours. There are so many books on my dining room table right now that I can't use it for eating. I go to the store and buy every book I want to read for the next few months and put them on the table."
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