Olivia Munn turned up the heat for the July-August issue of Women’s Health. The actress, 38, posed in various bikinis for the cover shoot and looked damn good doing so.
Although Olivia’s skin was GLOWING in these images, the X-Men: Apocalypse star revealed that she suffered an all-over body rash, which she described as the physical manifestation of pent-up angst following the Time’s Up movement. In 2017, she became a “silence-breaker” when she joined five women in coming forward with accusations of sexual harassment and assault against director Brett Ratner. Later in 2018, she discovered an actor in one of her scenes in The Predator was a registered sex offender and promptly reported it to the studio. She was the left to answer media questions about why the scene had been cut.
“One of the things that stresses me out more than anything,” she said, “is how do we do right by the silence breakers?” But in order to continue fighting, Olivia understands she needs to feel her best. Meditation and revisiting her tae kwon do training have been vital parts of her wellness routine.
“When you do martial arts, it makes you feel like you’re physically capable of anything,” she told the magazine. “And the great side effect is that when you’re in your best shape, you actually will look your best too.”
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