Just because Gizele Oliveira is at the beach doesn’t mean that she’s far from the catwalk. The model posted a new Instagram video to her page, one showing her wearing a small white bikini while doing a sultry catwalk in shallow ocean waters.
Gizele wore her hair down and slicked back as she geo-tagged the post, Jericoacoara. That location is a Brazilian beach that’s much less touristy than the rest, considering it can take an hour of driving on dirt roads to get there, according to TripAdvisor. That might explain why there’s not many people in the backdrop, even though it’s a beautiful day out. Fans enjoyed the video, leaving comments like “Yaaa ..Lucky” and “Love youuu Gizele.”
The model’s Instagram Stories also gave fans a closer look at her beach destination. Several videos from yesterday show her enjoying a beautiful sunset at the beach. Another video showed two guys engaging in Capoeira at the beach as crowds looked on. Capoeria is an Afro-Brazilian martial art, and people clapped and played the cymbal as the two men demonstrated their skills.
Newer Instagram Stories posted by Gizele include a beautiful view of the ocean from above, along with a photo of her legs and the current temperature at the beach — a balmy 86 degrees Fahrenheit.
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