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Singer Dua Lipa 23.3 million Instagram fans love her Bikini photos and she talked about the meaning behind some of her songs

Singer Dua Lipa shared a bikini pic earlier today on Instagram, and she looked great. She appeared to be blowing a kiss to the camera, as she flaunted her toned midriff.

Her fans left many complimentary comments like “Groovy baby,” “So cute,” “Superb love you,” “Very nice,” and “Beauty.”

She also talked about some of the challenges of being a female in the industry, saying that “For a female artist, it takes a lot more to be taken seriously if you’re not sat down at a piano or with a guitar, you know?

For a male artist, people instantly assume they write their own music, but for women, they assume it’s all manufactured.”

Not only that, but Lipa also talked about the meaning behind some of her songs, which are based off of her relationships.

She noted that “When one person speaks up, it instantly gives another person courage to speak and it’s the same with music. When you do speak about your own experiences, it’s also the domino effect.”

Her songs have obviously sparked lots of emotion in her fans, as her music continues to be much-loved.

Plus, with over 23.3 million fans on Instagram, the singer continues to rise in popularity with each passing month.

(Thu 27) Views: 4,579 · Read All Bikini News Daily

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