Women's beach volleyball gets a lot of attention, the majority of which is unfortunately spent on what the athletes are wearing and not on their physical prowess.
The women's bikini uniforms and whether or not they're appropriate is hotly debated. Some people often wonder why the women wear bikinis while the men are all allowed to wear tank tops and shorts.
We found that the answer is really simple: Women beach volleyball players wear the bikinis because they want to, not because it's required.
"The athletes are allowed to wear long sleeves, they're allowed to wear shorts, tank tops," Corinne Calabro, the communications director for USA Volleyball, told USA Today's For The Win. "But we've gotten a lot of athletes on record saying they prefer to wear a bikini because there are less places for sand to hide."
Beach volleyball has been an official Olympic sport since 1996. Brazil has won a gold or a silver medal at every Olympic beach volleyball tournament, in either the men's or women's tournament competition, since its introduction in 1996. The United States has also won at least a bronze medal in every men's or women's tournament in the same period.
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