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Ricki Noel Lander did have some fame before her relationship with billionaire and owner of the New England Patriots, Robert Kraft

Ricki Noel Lander did have some fame before her relationship with billionaire Robert Kraft, appearing in television shows such as Ugly Betty, True Blood, and Blue Bloods.

Lander and Kraft had already drawn considerable attention for their 40-year age difference when the two started dating sometime around 2012 — following the death of Kraft’s wife, Myra. It was noted that Robert Kraft was despondent over the death of his wife of 48 years and threw himself into his work, often working seven days a week. Sources said that the relationship with Ricki Lander helped Kraft to get over his loss.

Fast forward, now the billionaire faces charges of soliciting a prostitute after he was twice videotaped in a sex act at a shopping-center massage parlor in Florida.

The 77-year-old Kraft denied any wrongdoing. The case comes amid a crackdown on sex trafficking from Palm Beach to Orlando in which police planted cameras in massage parlors.

Kraft was not immediately arrested. Jupiter police said a warrant will be issued and his attorneys will be notified. They said details about the misdemeanour charges against the owner of the Super Bowl champion team will not be released until next week.

Hundreds of arrest warrants have been issued in recent days as a result of the six-month investigation, and more are expected.

Jupiter Police Chief Daniel Kerr said he was shocked to learn that Kraft, who is worth $6 billion, was paying for sex inside a shopping-centre massage parlour, the Orchids of Asia Day Spa. “We are as equally stunned as everyone else,” Kerr said.

Kraft is or was dating Ricki Noel Lander, and it is not clear the nature of that relationship at this time.

In all seriousness, human trafficking is a terrible scourge and it is very puzzling that someone like Kraft would get mixed up in something like this. Not that he wouldn’t be the sort of guy soliciting sex acts — that doesn’t seem all that shocking — but that he’d be going to a low-rent sex shop that uses veritable slave labor to charge clients $79 an hour is shocking.

The advantage of being that wealthy should be the ability to limit one’s prostitution choices to high-priced sex workers who are engaged in the industry of their own free will.

In the meantime Lander and Kraft have a lot to sort out that could go several directions. It is not the first time there has been conversary surrounding their relationship. Obviously something wasn’t perfect in the relationship.

Robert and his late wife Myra understood the power of philanthropy even before the Kraft Group had achieved significant financial success. For 50 years, the principle of giving back to your community and the world at large has been a core value of the group, with the Kraft family and its foundations contributing hundreds of millions of dollars to charities and nonprofits around the world.

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