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Kacey Musgraves shows off her amazing body

Kacey Musgraves is sharing about the realities of travel – in her swimsuit. In a hilarious new social media post, the country singer shows off her amazing body in a bathing suit while crossing off an experience on her bucket list. "POV Your first time at Blue Lagoon Iceland," she wrote on the Instagram Reel shared with her two million-plus followers.

Kacey exercises with celebrity trainer Erin Oprea, who told PureWow she works hard in the gym. "Kacey has worked her butt off and I couldn't be prouder of her. We've been able to keep her on track with the crazy schedule she's had over the last couple years," Oprea said.

"Some workouts that we've loved doing that can be done on the bus are Tabatas. I also love turning fitness into a game because why not make it fun but still challenging?" Oprea told PureWow. "Tabatas are a four-minute workout that involves 20-second bursts of exercise followed by 10 secs of rest for 8 rounds. You can do so much with it." Here is an example:

Round one: Pushups

Round two: Plank with chest taps

Repeat rounds one and two until you complete eight rounds.

Oprea also has Musgraves do a lot of squats. She even plays this Sumo Squat "game":

Complete ten small sumo squat jumps (a sumo squat is just like a regular squat but your stance is wider than hip-width and feet and knees are pointing outward )

Hold your squat for ten seconds in the down position

Complete nine sumo squat jumps

Hold in the down position for ten seconds

Complete eight sumo squat jumps

Hold in the down position for ten seconds and repeat this formula until you get down to a single rep.

Kacey follows Oprea's 4 x 4 diet, "a clean, healthy, balanced lifestyle so that they can still enjoy the foods they love, but in moderation." She is allowed to drink alcohol, except in the week leading up to an award show. "I'm not saying you can drink as much alcohol as you want, but I try to limit them to two drinks a week, which a lot of people are like, 'Oh jeez! I need wine every night, that's bologna!' But literally you can do that."

(Sat 21) Views: 3,052 · Read All Bikini News Daily

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