Fitness model Jen Selter is sharing some highly encouraging and realistic fitness tips for 2024. Selter, 30, posted a video of herself working out in a green two-piece outfit, using dumbbells and resistance bands.
"Some tips to help you stay motivated:
Set Realistic Goals
Create a Routine
Track Progress
Find a Workout Buddy
Mix It Up
Reward Yourself
Listen to Your Body
Be proud of yourself at every step of your fitness journey. It's not just a destination, it's a lifestyle??," she captioned the post. Here's what Selter's diet and workouts look like, and her advice for living your best life.
Selter's enviable glutes are the result of plenty of lunges and squats. "Some of my favorite lower body movements are squat and lunge variations, stairmaster intervals and kickbacks," she tells New Beauty. "I like working them into my workout routine by doing them in two-movement supersets, or Tabata-style, to get my heart rate up. I share all of my workout tips and a complete lower body and booty guide on my app with Fitplan. You get a free week trial, and it's where I share all my secrets to reach your lower body's best potential!"
Selter swears by hydration and cheat meals for a happy, balanced life. "There's only so much you can do in a gym, nutrition is just as important! It's crucial to fuel your body with the proper nutrients to recover fast and build muscle," she tells New Beauty. "But that doesn't mean there's no room for cheat meals! A healthy life and a healthy diet is all about balance. By far, my number one accessory is my water bottle, I need it to stay hydrated. Sometimes I forget to drink enough water both in and out of the gym. I also love having a pair of gloves to assist me when I'm lifting weights. I like Props Athletics gloves, or any gloves that have a nice design."
Selter is not one of those fitness influencers who skips breakfast. "Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day!" she tells Women Fitness. "I usually start my mornings with a smoothie which I make myself with my BlendJet which is a portable blender. My shakes are blended with a mixture of fruits, nuts, oat milk, and coffee. Following my shake I will have eggs or oatmeal, I usually alternate. On the weekends I enjoy cooking protein pancakes which are delicious. I have recipes on my Instagram, blog, and YouTube. I'm all about moderation! I don't believe in depriving yourself of the things you love most. For example, I LOVE dark chocolate. I don't remember the last day I went a day without having it! But I don't over indulge. I also LOVE my cheat meals, and have a cheat meal once a week."
Selter feels empowered after sharing her battles with anxiety on social media. "After sharing on my stories that I've suffered from anxiety, so many of my followers reached out with such a strong sense of support and advice," she tells Women Fitness. "It made me realize that so many people are struggling with mental health disorders and no one really talks about it. So many people were saying 'but your life seems so perfect.' That is just a social media facade. So I would say the best part is that I have this AMAZING community that I am so thankful for. The worst part is that sharing my personal life can be a bit intimidating. However, sharing this inner struggle with my followers has taught me so much."
Selter wants everyone to feel confident in themselves and appreciate their own unique qualities. "My first bit of advice is to eliminate all negative thoughts and negative energy about who you are. No one is perfect, embrace your flaws! It's what makes you, YOU," she tells New Beauty. "Your goal should be to be the best version of yourself, and that means finding confidence and having a positive outlook on who you are. I always recommend waking up and writing down a few things you love about yourself and using them as a mantra throughout the day. Avoid comparing yourself to others and stay focused on you, your goals and your best qualities. For every negative thought, replace it by two good ones, and don't stop until you appreciate your beautiful self."
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