Olivia Flowers is a cast member on Bravo's hit reality series, Southern Charm. She recently hit the gym for a sweat session. In a photo she shared on her Instagram story, Flowers is seen doing squats with a weight. She wore a two-piece workout outfit, showing off her figure.
Flowers likes to cook a lot of her own meals. She shares her recipes in an Instagram story highlight on her page. In it, she is seen cooking lettuce wraps, pasta with shrimp, and a corn salad. According to Harvard Health, cooking your own meals is very beneficial. "Research is turning to studying the value of nutrition programs that include cooking instruction. These programs have been shown to help people adhere to a healthier diet, eat smaller portions, and lose weight — improvements that lasted as long as a year after the study ended. These programs can even help patients with type 2 diabetes to eat healthier, lower blood pressures and blood sugars, and lose weight. Hard to believe it, but time in the kitchen can be as valuable as medication for some people with diabetes."
Flowers does a lot of outdoor workouts to stay in shape. One thing she likes to do is go biking. In this set of photos she shared on Instagram, Flowers is seen on a bike. Harvard Health states that biking has a lot of benefits. "Health benefits include improved cardiovascular fitness, stronger muscles, greater coordination and general mobility, and reduced body fat. As with other types of exercise, it can also help improve mental health by lowering stress levels and stimulating feel-good endorphins."
Another outdoor activity Flowers does is going for hikes. While visiting Los Angeles, she took advantage of the city's many hiking spots. Flowers shared a photo of herself on a hike on Instagram. She captioned the post, "Thank you for the adventure and fueling my love for film ➡️ Charleston." The American Hiking Society states, "According to a study done for the American Heart Association, 631,636 died from heart disease in 2006. Another study estimates that heart disease will cost the nation $316.4 billion in terms of treatment, medication, and lost productivity.* The results of 43 separate studies by The Centers for Disease Control showed that by exercising, individuals significantly reduce their chances for heart problems, while those who do not exercise are twice as likely to have coronary heart disease."
As you can see from her recent Instagram post, Flowers likes to do squats. Allina Health states, "The squat is one of the all-around best exercises to do for your lower body. It strengthens and tones muscles in your thighs, butt and calves and improves posture, balance, flexibility and inner core strength. Squatting also improves bone mineral density to keep your bones strong.Include squats in your exercise routine two to three days a week to reap the benefits from this dynamite move."
Flowers makes sure to be consistent when it comes to fitness. She opened up about this in an interview with the Greenville News, she shared how she plans out her workouts. "I appreciate a structured plan when it comes to working out," Flowers said. "My schedule can be a little all over the place, so I find comfort in having consistency in fitness."
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