Nushrat Bharucha is currently riding high on the success of her recent offering, Dream Girl. This Raj Shandaaliya directorial venture also has Ayushmann Khurrana in the lead role. Nushrat Bharucha, who is an active user to social media sites, shared some pics, in which she is seen wearing a two-piece bikini on the beach. The actress is flaunting her super toned body in this bikini.
Definitely its thunders in the hearts and shivers all over the spine, as Nushrat Bharucha casts a glamorous spell everywhere. In one of the pic, she wore a yellow bikini while in another; she is seen having a gala time in a pink bikini.
Nushrat Bharucha is revealed that she will also be a part of another upcoming film that will be announced towards the end of this year. Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety fame actress said she cannot reveal any details as of now but is excited about the same. Currently, bikini babe is enjoying holidays.
In the last couple of days, Nushrat Bharucha has set her social media on fire with her bikini pictures. While enjoying her time in this weather, the actress stuns in her dreamy vacation photos.
Kal Kissne Dekha actress Nushrat Bharucha is oozing oomph in this pic. She is one of a diva, who doesn’t shy away from flaunting her curve.
Nushrat Bharucha started her filmy career in the year 2009 with the box-office flop Kal Kissne Dekha. Later the beautiful actress was seen in Love S*x Aur Dhokha, which was a commercial failure too. In 2011, she appeared in Pyaar Ka Punchnama. Her highest grosser movie is Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety.
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