Nicole Scherzinger is sharing her "Monday Motivation" and it looks very, very cold. The 44-year-old singer posted a series of photos of herself laying down in an ice-cold bath, wearing nothing more than a one-piece swimsuit.
Scherzinger loves to mix up her workouts to keep things interesting, and trains with Viking method instructor Svava Sigbertsdottir whenever she's in the UK. "I love Svava's technique," Scherzinger says. "With me, she does a combination of her functional training, martial arts and ballet isolation exercises. In all my years of training, the Viking Method is unlike anything I have ever done."
Scherzinger loves to snack on corn on the cob with lots of butter. "Corn has many health benefits," says Caitlin Terpstra, RD, LD. "It consists primarily of insoluble fiber, which makes it a low-glycemic index food. This means it is a food that is digested slowly and doesn't cause an unhealthy spike in blood sugar. It also contains many B vitamins, as well as essential minerals, including zinc, magnesium, copper, iron and manganese. Since corn is considered a starchy vegetable, people with diabetes need to keep in mind that a half cup of corn, or a small ear of corn, contains 15 grams of carbohydrate and counts as one carbohydrate food choice."
Scherzinger loves to work out with her friends to stay motivated. "Me and my girlfriends support each other for the gym. Because, you know, it's hard to be motivated sometimes, so when you go you push each other, we try to do different things. We'll go hiking one day and then we'll try a sculpting hot yoga class, then we'll do cardio. We just motivate each other."
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